‘Twas the night before Taco Christmas, and all through the house,
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The toppings were prepped in the kitchen with care,
In hopes that St. Salsa soon would be there.
The guac was nestled all snug in its bowl,
ith visions of tortillas warming each soul.
And Kim in her apron, a holiday queen,
Had just laid the spread—a taco lover’s dream.
When out on the table, there arose such a clatter,
We sprang to the feast to see what was the matter.
Away to the buffet, we flew like a flash,
Scooping up queso in a hunger-fueled dash.
The salsa did sparkle, the tacos were bright,
Each bite was pure magic, a true holiday delight.
When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a platter of carne asada and chicken to cheer!
With laughter and love, the evening took flight,
Family and friends lit up the night.
We toasted to joy, to health, and good cheer,
To moving with purpose, through each precious year.
"Now lettuce, now onions, now sour cream mountain!
On carnitas, on beans, with a hot sauce fountain!
Pile it high! Wrap it tight! Be mindful, you all!
Savor each bite, but don't let it fall!"
We gathered 'round, sharing stories and smiles,
Living in the moment, forgetting life’s trials.
Because it’s not about tacos—well, not just the food,
It’s the laughter and love that lights up the mood.
At the Stevens we know it’s all about balance,
Indulge a little, then embrace life’s challenge.
Move, stretch, and breathe—then have one more bite,
Because Taco Christmas only comes one night!
So here's to Kim’s gathering, a tradition so bright,
Merry Taco Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
Move well
Stay healthy
Be happy
If you indulge laugh, love...
And eat tacos!
🌮 What a fun family Christmas tradition! 🎄
It was all so truly tasty. Always a treat.