Ever heard of the old-school trick for better sleep: warm milk and honey? Turns out, it’s not just a bedtime story—it actually works!
Here’s why.
Warm milk contains tryptophan.
That’s the amino acid your body uses to make melatonin, the hormone that tells your brain it’s time to shut down and snooze.
Now add honey to the mix.
Honey keeps your blood sugar stable through the night, which helps avoid those 2 a.m. wake-ups.
It even fuels your brain with the energy it needs to do its behind-the-scenes magic while you sleep.
A study even found that folks drinking warm milk and honey before bed slept better than those who didn’t.
They woke up feeling more refreshed too.
Imagine that—sleeping like a baby and waking up like a champion.
Now, I’ll be honest—I won’t be trying this one out myself.
Managing diabetes means I keep a close eye on natural sugars and milk’s lactose.
But if you handle milk and honey well, this might be a great remedy for you!
Not into the sugar?
Try warm milk with a sprinkle of cinnamon instead.
Or switch to herbal teas like chamomile for a gentle, blood-sugar-friendly alternative.
Better sleep is all about finding what works for you.
So, whether it’s milk and honey or something else, make tonight the night you prioritize rest.
Your future well-rested self will thank you!
Move well, stay healthy, be happy