In response to yesterday’s article enumerating Dr. Berry’s 7 Steps to Eating the Proper Human Diet, I received a thoughtful response from one of our friends.
Her advisers recommend eliminating or significantly reducing red meat while emphasizing the importance of including grains and beans in your lifestyle
That’s great.
We all need to figure out what works best for us and embrace our unique journey.
I celebrate everyone’s choices, even when they’re different from mine.
Reading her thoughtful email reminded me that it’s important to share why I’ve chosen the path I have.
I’m not looking to convert anyone to my lifestyle.
My goal is simply to provide information that you can consider when making informed decisions about your health.
Over the next few weeks, I’ll share my beliefs, developed in collaboration with my health care team, why I decided to test their recommendations, and the results I’ve experienced.
This way, you’ll have more insight to decide what might work best for you.
Before diving into the first issue, take a moment to reflect and ask yourself these questions.
Be honest and truly evaluate where you’re at right now:
How is my current eating lifestyle treating me?
Am I healthy without medications?
Do I have chronic aches or pain?
How are my energy levels?
How well am I sleeping? Do I wake up refreshed or still tired?
Am I able to handle stress effectively, or do I feel overwhelmed often?
Can I move freely without stiffness or limitations?
Do I feel mentally sharp and focused, or is brain fog slowing me down?
How is my digestion? Do I feel bloated or uncomfortable after meals?
Your answers might surprise you—they can be truly eye-opening.
If you’re not feeling your best every single day, it could be a sign that some alternative solutions are worth exploring.
And if you’re already thriving at 100%, keep it up—you’re clearly on the right track!
You may not know this but prior to 2007 I was basically a vegetarian who avoided red meat and fat.
Yep, that was me… fat makes you fat. Remember that mantra?
In spite of living what I thought was a healthy lifestyle…
Avoiding refined sugar and choosing whole natural foods,
I found myself sick and tired.
(Not to mention stiff and sore)
I was only 53 years old.
Way too young to be experiencing these issues.
My doctor at the time ran some tests and discovered I was a full blown diabetic.
Sky-high A1c.
I couldn’t believe it.
How could that have happened?
I ate a super healthy diet, lifted weights, and walked every day.
Still, I accepted the diagnosis and was prescribed medication to manage my diabetes.
It worked… kind of.
My numbers were still too high, so the solution was another medication—to enhance the first and counter its side effects.
Hmm… something didn’t feel right.
Suddenly I was fully enrolled in the Sick Care System.
My “nutritionist” recommended starchy foods—basically following the old food pyramid.
But the more I ate these so-called whole, natural foods, the worse my diabetes became.
And then, they suggested yet another medication.
I could see exactly where this was heading.
Did some research on my own.
I found a book by Dr. Bernstein all about curing diabetes with diet instead of medication.
I figured I’d give it a shot.
Low-carb, more meat, fewer veggies.
Hmm... are you sure about this?
Nothing to lose so I might as well test it out.
Guess what?
It worked.
With the guidance of my Endocrinologist I was able to totally eliminate medications within a few short months.
Eighteen years later, not only am I medication-free, but I have renewed energy and am healthier than I’ve ever been.
I’ve assembled a team of advisers, including heart surgeon Dr. Ovedia, Dr. Shawn Baker, and many others, who are conducting extensive research on low-carb and even carnivore lifestyles.
The results are staggering.
Not just diabetes, but many other conditions can be managed—and even reversed—without relying on medications.
There’s growing evidence that many mental disorders can be improved—or even cured—by adopting a low-carb lifestyle and eliminating “vegetable oils.”
Did you know that Canola Oil comes from the rape seed? Scary thought, right? I’ll dive deeper into seed oils in an upcoming article.
That’s today’s message.
The goal here is to open your mind—not to get you to follow my exact eating habits, or move and breathe the way I do.
Instead, I want you to be curious.
Ask yourself some tough questions, evaluate where you’re at, and choose the lifestyle that works best for you.
Thanks again for your thoughtful emails and for questioning my positions.
It’s this kind of curiosity and open-mindedness that leads to growth and better understanding.
I don’t claim to have all the answers, but I do believe in the power of asking the right questions, staying open to new ideas, and taking control of our own health journeys.
Keep questioning, keep exploring, and most importantly, keep choosing what works best for you.
Until next time move well, stay healthy, be happy, find your purpose and live every day with passion.