Ever feel like stress grabs you and won't let go?
Maybe it feels like a knot in your chest or a knife twisting in your gut.
Here's something a little out of the box—talk to it.
Yep, I mean out loud.
When stress starts building up in my body, I stop and literally tell it to knock it off.
If my gut feels tight, I say, "Gut, cut it out. I've got things to do."
Or when anxiety sneaks in, I tell myself, "Stop it! You're fine. Breathe."
Sounds a little strange, right?
But it works.
There’s something about saying it out loud that makes it more powerful.
When you speak with conviction, your body listens.
Think about it—our bodies are smart.
They respond to how we treat them, so why not use a little tough love?
Next time you're feeling stressed or anxious, give it a try.
Say what you need to say out loud.
Say it like you mean it.
And don’t worry about looking silly.
Your peace of mind is worth it.
Try it out today and see how it feels.
Your body might just thank you.