The Days You Don’t Want to Do a Class Are the Days You Need It Most
You know those days when you just don’t feel like moving?
Maybe you're tired.
Maybe you're stiff.
Maybe the couch is calling your name.
Those are the days you need to show up and do a class the most.
Skipping movement when you're already feeling sluggish just keeps you stuck in that cycle.
But if you push through and show up anyway?
That’s when the magic happens.
I can’t count the number of times I didn’t want to go.
But I did.
And guess what?
I never regretted it.
Not once.
The hardest part is getting started.
Once you begin, your body wakes up, your energy shifts, and you start feeling better—sometimes instantly.
Think of it like brushing your teeth.
You don’t skip that just because you don’t feel like it, right?
Movement is the same.
It keeps your body strong, flexible, and pain-free.
So the next time you don’t feel like it, take that as a sign.
Show up.
Move your body.
Even if it’s just a little.
Your future self will thank you.
Action Step:
The next time you don’t want to do a class or move, make a deal with yourself—just do five minutes.
Once you start, you’ll probably want to keep going.
And if not?
At least you showed up.
That’s what matters.