Oh, Taco Christmas, you beautiful, cheesy, salsa-filled celebration.
Did I indulge? Of course!
How could anyone resist the siren call of a taco bar piled high with all the fixings?
Am I beating myself up a bit today? Sure.
It's human nature, right?
But here's the thing—did one night of tortilla-wrapped joy destroy my health?
Not even close.
Why? Because today, I’m back at it.
Regular meals, consistent movement, and staying hydrated.
Here’s the kicker: laughter and joy go a long way toward mitigating the damage of a splurge.
Sharing good food with great people feeds your soul just as much as your stomach.
And that positivity can keep your body humming along, even when your food choices aren’t perfect.
So, enjoy the moments.
But don’t let one day of indulgence turn into a week of regret.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a QiGong workout calling my name.
Care to join me?