
Decongest Your Nose

A body fix for the 5% lifestyle

TRANSCRIPT: I talked about this in class this morning and there seem to be some interest of the people attending class. So I'm bringing it to you right now. It's about a breathing technique that I learned about a week ago.

I was in bed at night and I woke up two, three in the morning and I was totally congested. I was completely plugged up. Couldn't catch a breath and I've been working really hard on breathing in through my nose and out through my nose even at night. So it was important to me to get unplugged as quickly as possible.

I was considering using a decongestant spray, which I don't use anymore because I know it has negative effects on the nasal cavities and eventually doesn't work anymore. So I really try not to use it.

I was heading into the bathroom though, to get the decongestant and Peggy said, you know, that book, we just read... There was a breathing technique at the end of the book to instantly clear congested nose and I thought, well, yeah, that's true.

So I want to bring that to you, but I'm not going to demonstrate it. And you'll see why as I, as I read the technique. So I will read the technique to you now. And then it will be available in the notes here so that you can go and give it a try yourself.

It was amazing because I did this instead of spraying decongestant up my nose, it was within minutes I had my full breath back in both sides of my nose. That's why I'm recommending this. I recommend you give it a try.

So here we go from, uh, James Nestor's book breath, the new science of a lost art. There's the correct title.

Decongest the nose.

First thing you going to do is set up straight. And exhale, a soft breath.

Once you've exhaled the breath and you're going to pinch your nostril shut.

Try to keep your mind off of the fact that your breath holding.

While you do this, shake your head up and down or side to side or go for a quick walk or jump and run.

The first time I did it, I pinched my nose and I shook my head up and I shook my head sideways.

You do that until you feel a potent sense of air hunger. So you do that until then, but I shook and I shaked and went around.

So once you feel the very potent sense of air hunger, take a very slow and controlled breath in through your nose.

Now, if the nose is still congested breathe softly through the mouth with pursed lips.

Continue this calm controlled breathing for at least 30 seconds to one minute.

And then you repeat this step six times.

So I did it and I actually had a little of my breath back.

So then I decided to do it. I went into the kitchen. I did brisk walks around the, the butcher block. Until I needed that breath again, I went through the 30 seconds again.

So I'm recommending you give this a try. Let me read it one more time.

Set up straight and exhale a soft breath.

And then pinch your nostrils shut.

Try to keep your mind off the breath holding.

You can shake your head up and down or side to side while the nose is still pinched, or you can go for a quick walk or jump and run.

Once you feel a very potent sense of air hunger, take a very slow and controlled breath in through the nose.

If your nose is still congested, breathe softly through the mouth with pursed lips.

Continue this calm controlled breathing for 30 seconds to one minute.

Repeat all these steps, six times.

Give it a try, see how that works for you.

It was amazing for me. I've used it a couple times since, as one time, I just had plugged up one side of my nose. I went ahead and did this and, uh, quite shocked. And I did it standing up. This says set, set up straight, but I did it standing up and it worked equally as effective.

So there is the tip of the day. There's another body fix. It always amazes me all this stuff that's out there. This is stuff that doesn't get highly publicized because you can't monetize it except selling like James Nester, a $15 book.

I'm not going to get it on the drug industry right now, but there are so many methods out there that you don't have to take the drugs with all of these serious, serious, serious, nasty side effects.

There's lots of ways to stay healthy.

So that's today's body fix. Enjoy it. Let us know if it works for you.

Until I talk to you again move well, stay healthy, be happy, live with passion and purpose. Cool.

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