As a V.I.P. member of the 5 Percent Club you’ll be receiving daily quickie videos with short sessions you can do any time any place! Here is the first one featuring Buddha Holds Up the Earth while we discuss Just Do It Now.
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Do it Now
If you are getting ready for new years resolutions and planning on starting on January 1st…
Don’t bother
Don’t bother.
Because you don’t have your compelling reasons firmly in place.
You aren’t ready
How do I know this?
Because if you did have your compelling reasons in place.
You wouldn’t wait a single moment.
You wouldn’t have that last eating binge…
Or spend the next week with your feet up on the couch…
Or not get up and move on and off all day…
You would start immediately
Right this minute.
So time to honestly ask yourself.
Do I REALLY want this.
If your answer is yes.
Why wait.