Your Future Self You Will Thank Current You

Have you ever demolished a huge banana split sundae and then licked the bowl clean, only to feel like a beached whale an hour later?

Have you ever demolished a huge banana split sundae and then licked the bowl clean, only to feel like a beached whale an hour later?

Oof . Junk food may taste like heaven, but it can actually make us feel pretty hellish after.

On the flip side, have you ever powdered through a brutal workout or a tough class, cursing every push up, squat, and burpee, only to feel like a million bucks afterwards?

Getting sweaty may be rough in the moment, but it does give you an awesome afterglow.

The choices we make today are like depositing in the bank of our future selves.

Junk food kind of feels like putting a shiny hundred dollar bill in the piggy bank.

Woohoo, instant gratification.

But long term, those deposits just leave us overdrawn with extra poundage.

Working out feels like painfully having our allowance taken away.

But in reality, we're making a smart investment, that pays major dividends down the road in terms of health, energy, and rockin bods.

So, how can we make those dreaded workout and class withdrawals a bit less, well, dreadful?

Two words.



Turn exercise into playtime.

Throw on some thumping dance tunes and groove while you vacuum.

Maybe take a crazy drum and fun class and shake what your mama gave you.

Or channel your inner kid and go run sprints and jump rope.

The brilliance of human beings is that we can tweak activities to be a blast rather than a drag.

A little creativity is all it takes to turn dreary duties into delightful delights.

At the end of the day, making choices that pay future dividends is greater than choices that leave us overdrawn.

Our future selves will be forever grateful, that current us got our fun workout on.

One way or another... just maybe go a little easier on the banana split deposits or just get rid of those things.

Until I talk to you next time, may you move well, stay healthy and be happy.

Categories: : Fitness, Healthy Eating, Inspiration and Motivation